Como todos los viernes y sábados por la noche, mi esposa y yo tendremos una excitante sesión de pegging y porno gay, y hoy el vídeo que he seleccionado para estimularme mientras mi mujer me folla con su strapon eyaculador de 22 cm, es este.
To the creator of this vid make LOTS more like this one n LONGER movie 3 hrs long. NO music in it at all. We guys want to hear the other guys MOAN WITH SEXUAL PLEASURE. talk dirty to each other all slim guys to medium no large heavy set guys.
Yeah NO music playing in the background. IF there is music playing i do NOT watch the vids with music in it. I just LOVE to hear the GUYS focking n sucking n talking dirty to each other
After my X b/f came inside one time i felt him CUM inside me doggystyle. n we had been focking for decades. I never felt his come flow into me like that. But when i did i LOVED it turned to my man n i said i felt you cum inside me n i said keep it inside of me cuz i am going to DRAIN you dry. I kept going for 20 minutes n kept his cock HARD. To bad he was dating areal girl at the time so they good friend i had ended cuz of a girl.
The boys need to talk dirty to each other to make it better. That'\s how i am when getting tapped LOUD n my x man friend i told him to talk to m dirty.. BOYS look better at sucking cocks n focking.